OpenMedium Featured in AdStage Case Study

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VaultRMS Lowers Cost Per Acquisition by 24% with AdStage

SOURCE: Posted by Jana Fung at on Mar 2, 2016


VaultRMS, a growth stage company based in San Diego, CA, offers first-response firefighters and law enforcement officers a documentation and tracking system for any exposure to toxic and communicable diseases. When the product was out of beta, the company worked closely with its agency, OpenMedium, to generate more leads and drive product adoption. VaultRMS and OpenMedium planned to reach its target audience through a variety of channels such as Google AdWords, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Ads and needed to find a solution that would allow them to scale efficiently across these ad platforms.


VaultRMS and OpenMedium selected AdStage to streamline its campaign creation, optimization, and reporting across Google AdWords, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Ads. With a multi-channel advertising approach, consolidating ad creation and reporting across search and social gave them more time to optimize and align the messaging across networks.

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OpenMedium is a leading technology provider that specializes in delivering cutting-edge digital innovation, digital experience, digital commerce, cloud services, MarTech, AdTech, and consulting solutions.

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